Katherine Youth Outreach Transport Service

Katherine Youth Outreach and Transport Services (KYOTS)
Throughout the year, our dedicated team has remained strong in our mission to get young people off the streets and back to the safety of their families. By building trusting relationships and fostering engagement, we have made significant strides in our efforts. Collaboration has been key to our success, as we have worked closely with local organisations to support youth events, including the YMCA’s fortnightly youth drop-in nights. Recognising the concerning spike in youth crime, we have been a part of local stakeholders coming together to identify at-risk individuals, guiding them towards wiser choices and actively patrolling hotspots.
Undoubtedly, our program has faced challenges, particularly with staffing due to the demanding hours of the role. With an unwavering dedication to this program and the young people we support we have remained operation despite this and continue to up skill staff to fulfil these roles. Moving forward, our focus remains on enhancing engagement and implementing case management interventions. We aim to introduce late-night activities tailored to the needs of young people. Moreover, we are excited about our collaboration with the Northern Territory government on a new funding contract, which will undoubtedly bolster our efforts in the coming year.