Get in Touch

Main Office

Programs and Departments

HR Contact

Finance Contact

Phone: (08) 8972 8200

Landline: (08) 8972 2588

Mobile: 0407 703 259

Landline: (08) 8972 2086

Mobile: 0437 927 635

Phone: (08) 8972 8228

Phone: (08) 8972 2588


Phone: 0429 061 959


Phone: (08) 8971 1999

Phone: (08) 8972 3588

Should you remain dissatisfied with our handling of your feedback, you have the option to contact the External National Complaints/Commisions.

  • NDIS Complaints Commission | NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (
  • Aged care complaints commission | Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (
  • Venndale Health commission complaints MAKE A COMPLAINT | Health Complaints Commissioner (
  • National employment services line Contact Us – Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Australian Government (

Get In Touch

Your involvement is essential to the success of our initiatives, and we look forward to hearing from you. Together, we can make a positive impact on our community!