Child & Family Community Fund

Child & Family Community Fund

The Child and Family Community Fund allocates anon-recurrent annual budget of $260,000 to enhance outcomes for children aged 0-5 and their families. The fund facilitates community access to resources aligned with local aspirations and priorities for children, utilising a rigorous Local Decision-Making framework. Key focal points include bolstering children’s health, development, safety, and overall well-being, fostering family resilience, problem-solving abilities, and parenting aptitude and confidence, and cultivating thriving community environments for children and families.  Some of the initiatives which have come from this program have been the Community Transport bus and Multidisciplinary Neurodevelopmental Assessments.

The Local Advisory Board (LAB) oversees the local decision-making process and is composed of esteemed representatives from the local Aboriginal Community Controlled organisations within the region. These organisations being Kalano Community Association, Wurli-Wurlinjang, Jawoyn Association, Katherine West Health Board, and Sunrise Health, are typically represented by their respective CEOs and board chairpersons or deputies. Collectively, the LAB exercises joint decision-making power to determine the optimal allocation of the fund. While any organisation on the board can apply for the entire funding or propose partial funding, there is also the provision for other organisations to be invited to apply for the funding.