Business Incubator

Business Incubator Fostering Entrepreneurial Growth

Back in 2019, Kalano Community Association Aboriginal Corporation secured funding through Prime Minister and Cabinet, for a two (2) year Business Incubator pilot program. Incubators were piloted in selected Community Development Program (CDP) regions to support more Indigenous Australians to start up and expand enterprises in remote Australia.

Since 2019, the Incubator program supported the development of Indigenous businesses and business ideas in the Big Rivers region, encouraging Indigenous entrepreneurs and business owners to engage for business support whilst also supporting CDP participants to pursue enterprise development as their CDP activity.

Incubators work with clients to build financial literacy, business skills, get small businesses started and support them as they stabilise from an idea to an operational stage. Kalano also collaborates with Many Rivers Microfinance, Indigenous Business Australia, the Northern Territory Business Enterprise Centre, local businesses, and other agencies that assist with developing Indigenous business to identify key grant opportunities and offer greater assistance to clients utilising the program.

In 2024, after securing two extensions due to the success of the program in the region, the pilot program will reach its end date. Kalano will be lobbying with Government, with opportunities through the new CDP changes to keep delivering business assistance to Indigenous entrepreneurs and continue working towards the closing the gap initiative for economic development in remote areas of Australia.